Monday 29 July 2013

Summer recipe: Dandelion lemonade

1 kg tart dessert apples, roughly chopped
85 g dandelion petals
100 ml lemon juice, freshly squeezed
750 g granulated or jam sugar
1. Put the apples in a pan with 600 ml water and 55 g of the dandelion petals and bring to just below boiling point. Remove from the heat, cover and leave to infuse overnight.

2. Strain the liquid to remove the apple pieces and petals, return it to the pan and add the lemon juice and sugar. Stir over a low heat until the sugar has dissolved, then add the remaining dandelion petals. Boil rapidly until setting point is reached – bear in mind that if you are not using jam sugar, the set will be soft.

3. Using a large spoon, remove any scum from the surface, then pour into warm, sterilized jars and seal immediately. If the petals are floating to the top, shake the jar once it is at room temperature to distribute the petals throughout the marmalade
I found this here

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