Monday 26 August 2013

autumn recipe:roast pumpkins with apple and cinnamon

I love pumpkins, they really make up a large part of Autumn, especially through Halloween but I always seem to overcompensate and buy more pumpkins than I need (I know, who can have too many pumpkins). eventually I run out of ideas to carve into the pumpkins to make them scary for my visitors though so I love it when I have recipe's lying around where I don't just use the insides, I use the actual pumpkin itself. its a great way of recycling the pumpkin after Halloween is over as well as all of those wonderful pumpkin faces just get thrown in the bin.

Roast pumpkins with apple and cinnamon

serves: 4
  • 4 small pumpkins, tops sliced off and seeds removed
  • 450g (16 oz. ) apple sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • salt and freshly ground lack pepper to taste
prep: 15 minutes
cook: 45 minutes
ready in: 1 hour
  1.  preheat oven to 160 c/ gas mark 3. lightly grease a medium baking dish
  2. in a small bowl, mix apple sauce, cinnamon, salt and pepper. spoon 1/4 of the mixture into the bowl of each pumpkin.
  3. place pumpkins in the prepared baking dish. cover with aluminium foil and bake in preheated oven for 1 hour and 45 minutes, or until tender.
all rights and credit goes to the creator of this recipe. enjoy :-)

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